Being a student and teacher in the world of health and wellness can be both inspiring and confusing at the same time. Throughout nutrition school, I have struggled to find a balance of eating, and consistenly feel like I shouldn't be eating certain things, or that I should be eating more of something else. For the most part I am an incredibly healthy eater… but I have my cravings just like everybody else, and sometimes they get the best of me. There are a few things that I have learned from this process.
1. Eating food is always an experience, not an opportunity to feel guilty. If your goal is to cut back on sugar, and you find yourself eating a chocolate croissant with a friend… it's all good! Recognize how it makes you feel, how if affects the rest of your day, and learn from it… no need to get dramatic about it.
2. Know why you want to change the way you eat. Going gluten free just because everybody else is, will most likely lead to "failure." Read about the downfalls of gluten and ask yourself if you are affected by it, try it out, and if you feel good then stick to it!
3. Only buy the foods that you know you will eat. If you are buying a bunch of kale just to be healthy, but you REALLY hate kale, it will probably end up rotting in your fridge. So find a really delicious way to prepare it ahead of time, or find other vegetables… there are so many veggies out there!
4. Start small. This one is huge for me. It's easy to feel like we need to be perfect eaters, and have the cleanest bodies, but that can be really overwhelming. If cutting out caffeine is a goal of yours, or exploring your digestion is something you need to tap into. Instead of cutting out everything in your food regiment, find one thing you can do daily that will help you get there. For example, drinking a warm cup of fresh lemon water in the morning is great for your belly and will help you make better food choices throughout the day! Give it a try.
Happy Eating!