Saturday, October 6, 2012

It's Not Just Another Yoga Blog...

Welcome to Mat Vernacular! I don't really know where to start here. I suppose I should tell you why I have started this blog...

Let's just say the idea came to me when I deactivated my Facebook page a whole 3 days ago. Yes, after seven years I have decided to leave the world of social networking (although not Pinterest page will stay alive). The decision came to me when I sat down to look at my life and do some "housecleaning" if you will. I asked myself "how can I be more productive with my life?" Not "how can I make myself busier..." That is definitely not the goal here. I am plenty busy. Here's what I do. Career wise, I teach yoga at a studio in Denver called Core Power Yoga, some of you may know this establishment, and I also am a Thai Massage therapist. While I am not working to make money I am focusing on my own yoga practice, rock climbing (my passion), cooking, and spending time with great friends. I have a very fulfilling life... which is why I am writing a blog, right? Not so much.

I don't find it satisfying to write about all the great things in my life and prove to the world that I'm awesome. Although that can be fun, I am more interested in life's struggles... what makes a person real and tangible. I have been teaching yoga for a year and a half, not long at all, and practicing for eight. I am now at the point in my teaching when its really time to bring the yoga off the mat. I'm not quite sure what that means but I have an inkling.

If you are anything like me, articulating myself when I am super "feelingsy" is not easy. So I have become a recent book reader. Crazy, huh? I love novels and nonfiction, however they are not relatable to my life and my personal growth. I have started building my "Yoga Library." This collection includes books by authors who are renowned in the yoga world and people who write about yoga. That's what this blog is about. Everybody needs a little push to become a better person and to improve the quality of their life. Just as yoga is not the answer to all of our problems, reading books by Baptiste and Forrest are also not answers to mine. They are however, tools to solve the question, "What is the real yoga?"

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