I have been wanting to go gluten free for a while. I think it is an awesome thing to do, and let me just set the record straight.... it's not trendy, it's smart. Gluten intolerances have always been there, it's like everything else, it just takes awareness and education to make the shift. I have been thinking about being gluten free for over a year, and for some reason I have struggled with making the switchover. I think maybe I am afraid of not being able to eat scones and croissants? But when I dig deep and think about why I am doing it, I know that I will feel so much better, and that I can find my indulgences elsewhere.
Today is day 3 of being gluten free, and I feel great! It's really not a challenging thing to do, and considering the health benefits, I think I'll stick with it. The best part is that it gives me an opportunity to play with new recipes, try new things, and really get creative in the kitchen. This morning, for example, my dear friend, Nita, inspired me to make banana pancakes. They didn't turn out exactly how I wanted, but they were pretty tasty, and packed full of protein and potassium. When you are making gluten free baked goods, you can pretty much fill it with every delicious nutritious ingredient you can find in the kitchen. Flax, chia, almond flour, proteins, maca, raw cacao, all sorts of superfoods, and the plus in that those ingredients are what make the recipe.
Just as a recap for those of you considering going gluten free, anything that is derived from wheat, barley, and rye contain gluten. Stay away from those items and you are set. Check the ingredients on all packaging to make sure they are truly wheat free, and cook at home more!
9/10 times I make a smoothie for breakfast, but today was banana pancakes:
2 bananas, mashed
2 eggs
pinch of baking powder (aluminum free)
pinch of sea salt
cook in coconut oil
drizzle with raw honey
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