Sunday, March 23, 2014

A Challenge: 30 Days of Home Cooking

There are so many 30-day cleanses, diets, fads, challenges, etc, that seem really unattainable and stressful to succeed in. Just like all humans, I have been in a funk around food. Lately I have been finding it difficult to make a decision about what I want to eat, been going out to eat much more frequently than I typically would, and making food choices that are not as smart as I would like them to be. It happens, but for me my solution is not to do a 7-day juice cleanse. It just won't happen. So my alternative is a 30-day challenge of no eating out, all cooking at home. You want icecream? Make it. You want french fries? Make them. See here with this challenge you are not eliminating foods, but rather eliminating all the middle-men involved in making your food less healthy than it should be. If you are interested in joining me, my dear friend, Edie, has sent me a bunch of great food blogs that I plan on using for 30 days. Here they are:

These are just a few! I will post more as time goes on and we need more ideas. Feel free to start whenever you'd like… I may start today!



  1. Cooking at home is so important to healthy eating! Two of my favorites are (Basically the blog format of the cookbook Super Natural Everyday) and (profane, yes, but so funny with amazing vegetarian recipes!).
