Monday, March 3, 2014

Pantry Essentials: 10 Things You Should Always Have Around

I've found that as long as my pantry is stocked with very specific things, I can always pull off a healthy meal or snack. Sometimes, without these essentials I am stuck with nothing to eat or something really plain when I haven't gone grocery shopping recently. I'm going to give you the list, and you can get creative! Keep in mind the list is just things that I always have…a must, not that there are not more things that you should have! The list is truly endless.

1. Nuts/seeds: every kind of nut! currently I have walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts. I lump seeds into this list as well, again go wild on the type of seed you want to have!

2. Almond butter: I don't just say this because I have my own almond butter business, but because it truly is one of the greatest things in the world. Try mine, District Butter Co., or make your own!

3. Medjool Dates: I use dates in everything! Smoothies, granola, wrapped in bacon, you name it.

4. Cacao Nibs: similar to dates, you can throw these into everything and have a ridiculous amount of antioxidants added to your food!

5. Dried Cranberries: I like to eat these alone…. or even today I threw them in my tunafish salad :)

6. Coconut Oil: this is a pantry essential simply because it is an alternative to EVERYTHING. No joke.

7. Honey: obviously not if you are vegan, but I like to throw honey into dinner recipes, dressings, breakfast, tea, etc.

8. Maca Powder: it just is. It improves your vitality and oxygen levels… why not!?

9. Chia Seeds: this one is a no-brainer, but it is a simple way to get plant-based protein into your diet, and just make almost anything healther.

10. Gluten-free oats: such an easy go-to! Granola, add it to yogurt, smoothies, cookies, etc.

I hope this helps, and if you don't have some of these things I encourage you to get them, stock up, and try using them as much as you can!

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